


We are pleased to share the following TOEFL iBT® news.

ETS is enhancing the current format of the TOEFL iBT® test to provide a better experience for test takers. Beginning July 2023, all TOEFL iBT® test takers will benefit from enhancements to the test format, instructions, and registration process. Shorter Test Time: TOEFL® test time will be less than 2 hours— with no changes to the overall test format. The test continues to be a fair, reliable, and preferred test.

A new, modern writing task will replace the independent writing task, with one less reading passage and the removal of unscored questions. As a result of the shorter test time the 10-minute break will be removed. Note: While the test time will be less than 2 hours, test centers should allow for three hours total appointment time (including check-in procedures) for administration dates beginning July 26, 2023.

Test Instructions: Test takers will be provided with streamlined test instructions and enhanced navigation throughout the test.

Easier Registration: Test takers will see greater functionality, a streamlined registration experience, and shorter registration time.

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