Ediția a III a Forumului Tinerilor din Partneriatul Estic, Varșovia, 21-23 iunie, 2017
Reprezentanta Fundația pentru Dezvoltare Olga Gordila alături de doamna Martine Reicherts, Directoratul General pentru Educație și Cultură a Comisiei Europene. Vă mulțumim pentru un discurs atât de motivațional. Evenimentul a început cu succes!
Pentru mai multe detalii despre cea de-a III Ediția a Forumului Tinerilor din Partneriatul Estic, accesați linkul: http://www.eap-youth-forum.pl/
Eastern Partnership Youth Forum, III Edition
What is the Forum about?
The planned Eastern Partnership Youth Forum will be the third conference dedicated to issues which matter young people, organised in the margins of the Eastern Partnership Summit. The previous Eastern Partnership youth fora took place in Lithuania (2013) and Latvia (2015) focusing on social inclusion and employment/employability respectively.
The main objectives of the 3rd Eastern Partnership Youth Forum are:
- To deepen the dialogue and advance cooperation on youth matters and education between the EU and Eastern Partnership countries by sharing expertise and experience as well as providing a space for networking and cooperation in the future, including in local and transnational projects;
- To identify and discuss common challenges and propose concrete actions, which would help to address those challenges;
- To feed the 5th Eastern Partnership Summit Declaration to be signed in November 2017 in Brussels/Belgium;
- To inform the EU youth policy development post 2018, along with national youth policies in the countries involved.
During the 3rd Eastern Partnership Youth Forum the main thematic focus will be on particulation and active citizenship of young people and their involvement in the decision making process, explored from the following perspectives:
- Young people as active, critical and responsible citizens;
- Young people and entrepreneurship – taking the future into own hands;
- Young people and education today: formal, non-formal and informal.
The final results of the Forum will be presented at the 5th Eastern Partnership Summit which will take place in Brussels/Belgium in November 2017.